~ Knox 3 Weeks ~
There is nothing more special to me than having the opportunity to take photos of my friends brand new babies.
Welcome to the World Baby Knox.
Congrats Chris and Bianca, he is seriously Perfect!
A Mothers Promise
I promise to always love you in whoever you decide to be I promise to be there for you, whenever you need me I promise to not pass judgment without first hearing you out I promise to be in your life from day one and to learn what you're about I promise to keep you healthy and to help you grow nice and strong I promise to teach you to be a good person and know what is right and wrong I promise to protect you and to always know you are okay I promise to always remember that being your mom is a gift, every single day ~~ These words, my angel, are my promise to you And during tough times I will read them through To be reassured that what I am doing is right And never giving up without a fight You are now and will forever be, My sweetest little boy.. My baby
Nicole Seymour
Newborn Photographer Melbourne Newborn Photographers Melbourne Melbourne Newborn Photographer