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Today Our Twins Turn One!

Today Our Twins Turn One!

Today Our Twins Turn One!

"It's twins!" the tech told me, giving me quite a fright. "Are you sure?!?" I had asked, wondering if I'd heard right. But sure enough, there you were, up there on the screen And I tried to make sense of what it all would mean.

Double the feedings, double the tears, Double the changings and double the fears. Just how would I nurse you both at the same time? And how would I choose who to hold if you're both crying?

How much would you cost this already strapped family? Diapers, food, college... just the idea was overwhelming. And how would I care for my other dear son, When I've only two arms with which to hold everyone?

The future seemed scary or daunting at least. My mind raced with questions, my heart skipped some beats. But then I remembered that you were both formed in love That you were two miracles, gifts sent from above.

How could I be worried, what gave me the right? We would figure it out, what seemed dark would become light. And soon enough the time came, after nine very long months Two bundles of joy were delivered to us at once.

We counted your fingers, we counted your toes, They totaled forty on top and forty below. You were both the most perfect little angels we'd seen. And we couldn't believe just how lucky we'd been.

Now a year has flown by, where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home! You couldn't be more different even though you are twins. Though you both love to laugh and discover new things.

You're both funny and sweet, you are happy and smiley. And we all feel so lucky that you're part of our family. Some might say "double trouble" but we say "double fun!" As we celebrate today, our two babies turn ONE!

Happy Birthday to my sweetest little angels.

Author © Jamie Anderson

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