This week I had some little beauties turn 1.
We had a ball of fun getting messy and sticky as we celebrated a huge milestone in these little ones lives.
All parents really hope that their little one will dive in and make a mess of the 1st Birthday cake. That’s what you are paying for! But that doesn’t always happen and that’s okay. In these examples there was no one shy when it came to getting covered in their 1st Birthday Cakes. It was clear to me that these clients may have had a little practice with their little one at home with smashing up a cake and making a mess.
Cake smash photography as unpredictable as it might be we are usually prepared and able to capture some fun pics to enjoy. It is however important to know that even if they don’t turn their cake into a gooey pile of crumbs, I am still able to catch fun images of them poking at it or carefully picking bits of icing or decorations. Sometimes we may need to strategically place a little icing to help things along, or other times mom or dad may have to get involved by smashing up the cake for them :) It’s also a good idea to bring along a favorite toy and some snacks in case your little one needs some encouragement.
So is your little one getting close to the huge milestone of celebrating turning 1?
Have you always wanted some fun messy photographs of your baby?
Do you need a perfect photograph for your childs 1st Birthday invites?
Are you keen to show the world how adorable your 1 year old photographs?
Give me a call. Love Alana