I love to capture beautiful babes and there is nothing more beautiful than being able to provide parents with gorgeous natural photos of their children. I do all age groups and have several outdoor locations nearby which is perfect for getting natural photos.
3-6 Months is when you can get the lying on the tummy shots and propped in baskets shots
6-8 months is when you can get those gorgeous sitting shots, this is when bubs is sitting unassisted but not yet crawling.
Toddler Photography (1-3 Years)
This can be a super challenging age purely because toddlers hate to sit still however I have heaps of tricks up my sleeve and we will capture some beautiful images.
Hope to see you and your family soon.
Love Alana XXX
Prop suppliers from this gallery:
Headband from Princess and the Pea Props Fabric from Drops And Props
Bunny Outfit from Bubba Boutique