Why should I print my images professionally?
Those of you that have met me before and have had a session with me will know how passionate I am about seeing pictures in print. I will mention this to all my customers in all of my Newborn, Baby and Cake Smash Photography Sessions. So because I am so passionate about it I thought I would write a blog post about it!
We 100% live in a digital age, and all have 1000's of photos stored electronically, on our computers, on our phone, on USB's, on CD's and in the cloud. Now what do we do with them? Well from talking to most of my clients, most are still sitting on a USB! Maybe they have shared some pics on Facebook or Instagram but they are left unprinted!
Life is busy, we have our first baby and we document very part of their life, constantly carrying a camera or our phone so we dont miss a single thing. Maybe your first baby is lucky enough to have a album that you have made of all these photos. Along comes second baby or maybe the third and your lucky to remember when their birthday is! The beauty of having professional photographs taken is that you can print the images large without losing quality. You have paid money for a professional like me to take beautiful images for you, so make sure you print them!
Chose your favourite images and display them around your home. Enjoy them! Make an album. If your children see that they are important enough to be up on your walls, they have increased levels of self-confidence and self-worth. It makes sense doesn't it?
Professional Photographers will usually always recommend printing your images through them. This is because us Professional photographers have access to professional printing labs, and the quality difference between them and cheap kiosk labs are huge. I've had numerous clients contact me asking why their images look different once printed. Why do they look dark and 'muddy'? Why do they look pink or green instead of white? It is because they have chosen a cheap online or cheap in store print service. Like Kmart. Officeworks, BigW etc
Alana Taylor Photography has just made partnership with My Pro Photo who is a Professional Printing lab who deals direct to Alana Taylor Photography Customers
You just need to enter this code below to show that you are a customer of mine.
When you go in to start your order you will be asked for this number, Your MyProPhoto account number is 31546
You can go to this website to get started
Here is some more information regarding ordering from My Pro Photo https://www.alanataylorphotography.com/where-to-print
Newborn Photography Melbourne
Berwick Baby Photography